Wednesday 2 December 2015

how to make watch screen stay awake longer.

The watch face on your Apple Watch displays when you raise your wrist and hides again when you lower your wrist. You can also wake the screen by tapping on it, which displays the watch face for 15 seconds by default, but this can be extended to 70 seconds.

If you’re using your watch as a simple flashlight or if you need to refer to something on your watch for longer than 15 seconds, this new wake screen time can be useful. You can change this setting on either the watch or iPhone.

To change the setting on the watch, press the digital crown to access the Home screen.
On the Home screen, tap on the “Settings” icon
On the “Settings” screen, tap “General
Then, tap “Wake Screen” on the “General” screen
The “Wake Screen” screen displays.

NOTE: This screen also allows you to turn off the “Wake Screen on Wrist Raise” setting, which is helpful if you want to put your watch in “theater mode”.

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